Demand Forecasting

Experience the highest degree of forecasting accuracy with Manhattan Demand Forecasting, powered by machine learning that constantly evolves with network demand.

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Predict Future Need

Automatically Adjust to Demand

Respond to changes in demand trends and demand patterns.

Forecast by Fulfillment Model

Forecast demand levels and demand occurrence frequencies.

Automatically Correct

Filter out non-essential forecast exceptions and self-correct when network-wide demand pattern changes are detected.

Compare Forecast Accuracy

Benchmark accuracy of manual forecast changes against system-maintained demand forecast—complete with audit management of forecast exceptions.

Optimize Customer Order Inventory

Analyze historical order volumes customer by customer and enable customer-centric inventory optimization to provide discrete analysis and optimize demand forecasting.

Understand Demand Impact

Protect the integrity of demand history when exceptional events occur that have a negative impact on forecast accuracy, provide intelligent event-impact analysis, and compute promotional event-lift expectations, based on similar events executed in the past.

Better Promotional Modeling

Promotional modeling helps demand planners unravel concurrent promotional “noise” by using data and machine learning to resolve the underlying causes with context, capability and compromise avoidance.

Better Forecast Producing

Combine forecasting with demand cleansing, seasonal pattern analysis, and self-tuning capabilities to accurately predict demand.

Better Inventory Monitoring

Monitor the health of your organizational inventory investment with at-a-glance performance metrics and data visualizations.

Applied Intelligence

Predicting demand is the first step in any inventory strategy, but even the most consistent-selling item can be difficult to forecast without the right tools to help.


What you’ll need to know about demand forecasting.

Demand forecasting is the process of estimating the quantity of a product that consumers will purchase in a future period and is a critical aspect of inventory planning, as it helps businesses to determine how much inventory to stock, and when to order new products.

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